egg yolk jam toast
i didn’t know i was going to self-diagnose myself with depression in an attempt to talk about egg yolk jam, but here we are. anyways, bookmark this recipe in your *for special occasions only* folder!!!

levain roundup: ideas for that bread!
i’m pretty sure that you’ve all become masters by now at dressing up your quarantine sourdough in different ways - be it for breakfast toast, sandwiches, croutons, or just to simply munch on because you’re snacking out of boredom.

poppy fennel seed crackers
these crackers reminded merman of everything bagels so he naturally cured salmon (which is another way to preserving and stretching the goods in your fridge) so that we can enjoy them together like we would with salmon lox bagels. all i have to say is that i fully appreciated the feeling of having a little decadence but in actuality, we were preserving and stretching what we had.

squishy yeasty moist pita bread
why not spend the time making delicious warm squishy fresh pita bread (that can also be used to make pizza!) for you and the others that you share your home with?

garlic parsley pão de queijo {brazilian cheese bread}
i birthed into the world: fogo de ranch (?!) bread babies. and they were the most beautiful bread babies. i still dote on them as a proud mother does whenever i see pictures of them on my phone.

roberta's bee sting pizza
i hope to put a message out there to let the offended nonnas out there know how this food in particular has been sunshine in my life that radiates beams of pure joy, love, and wonder.

bakesale betty's fried chicken sandwiches
i wanted to share a recipe that has only brought goodness into my life. after the last bakesale betty inspired recipe shared last week, i decided that the strawberry shortcake experience only gets better when complemented by betty’s infamous fried chicken sandwiches.

lessons on cooking a steak perfectly
you are learning how to cook steak from someone who never knew how to before but obsessed over the course of three days and six bad steaks until she got the seventh just right.

honey mustard ribs from catalunya
i was lucky enough to go back to the restaurant and ask the sweet chef what his secret sauce was, and he said that this version was super close

winter burrata salad
but here’s to saluting that new years effort not by tipping to one extreme, but easing into this #newyearnewyou by reassuring your inner carb queen that there is bread in form of spicy breadcrumbs and not to mention, chunks of lux burrata laden with cream but also vitamin d

feta brined roasted chicken
while the last time i made this recipe was in the states using a chicken from the grocery store, i’m super excited to see how my chicken turns out in paris because i picked one up at the boucherie and witnessed freshness at a whole new level

recycled rotisserie chicken noodle soup
here is a chicken noodle soup recipe that could maybe help heal a cold or a broken heart, but definitely not a sleep disorder that’s been near impossible to kick…although i wish to God that it would.

sheet pan pineapple fried rice
pineapple is my absolute faaaavorite fruit in the whole entire world (peep the pineapple accessory on my dutch oven) and i’m always so delighted when it’s served in a savory way like in chinese/thai fried rice or served as a cold slaw with pulled pork.

wild mushroom jujube risotto
there was a hint of sweetness, a tinge of flavors from home from the soy sauce, and the mushrooms were so so hearty. hudson gobbled it up and it made me so happy to see him eat well.

hand cut noodles with dipping sauce
would the world be a better place if people started having noodles for breakfast? i mean if it comes with a poached egg, which is definitely considered a breakfast food, why not?

hand cut noodles!
in any case, making homemade noodles will now be a thing for me. i swear, if i didn’t have a job, i’d probably stay at home and make noodles for all of my friends and family.

lemon poppyseed yeast pancakes
without fail, i’ve been craving pancakes for breakfast every single morning here in paris. it’s been more than two weeks! i thought that i’d revel in all of the wonderful breakfast pastries here in paris, but nope. your girl wants a healthy serving of fluffy and hearty pancakes soaked with maple syrup.

sweet potato tartine
just so you know, this recipe epitomizes my current state of being: it’s sweet, i look like a potato, and you know, tartine. french!

korean fried poulet & haricots
i never thought that i would be writing about fried chicken before church on a sunday, but here i am…

summer mediterranean barbecue
declared to myself that this summer sunday will be the day to rest since that's what we were called to do. can i get an amen?