dak jjim {braised soy garlicky chicken stew}
my mom’s recipe here is for a dak jjim that can be cooked for casual dinner nights since the base is lighter and rather more of a broth than a sauce. we had it all the time growing up, and it was my jam. ladle if over a bowl of rice and you’ll definitely have all that you need to stay indoors for the rest of the weekend >:]

recycled rotisserie chicken noodle soup
here is a chicken noodle soup recipe that could maybe help heal a cold or a broken heart, but definitely not a sleep disorder that’s been near impossible to kick…although i wish to God that it would.

danhobak dak jook {kabocha squash and chicken porridge}
i'm thoroughly impressed by how long a kabocha squash can hang out on a kitchen counter for without going bad.