deulkae kal gooksoo {perilla seed knife cut noodle soup}


hi friends!

i can’t remember the last time i was in new york when it was this cold, but boy is it nice staying indoors and warming the kitchen up with the aromas of roasted vegetables and soups. this time around, i decided to treat my brother, austin, to some homemade kal gooksoo (kal=knife, gooksoo=noodles), but actually made him pay me back by making a video so that i can share the recipe with you all >:]

didn’t he do an amazing job? hope you find it helpful! also, if you have any ideas on how to make these videos better, we’re wondering and want to know, so leave comments!

about the recipe - i don’t know if any of you’ve ever tried roasted deulkkae before but up until today, i hadn’t really used it in my cooking but somehow ended up going down the instagram rabbit hole researching deulkkae in kalgooksoo this week.

the kal gooksoo with the deulkkae and dan hobak (kabocha) squash ended up being delicious. deulkkae adds a really interesting nutty, savory, and mildly minty dimension to a rich umami broth, and i’m pretty tempted to add ground deulkkae to all of my soups this winter now! look out!!

xo, christine


Perilla Seed Knife Cut Noodle Soup



12 cups water

1/2 cup dried dashima

1 cup dried anchovies

5 cloves garlic roughly chopped

2 small onions roughly chopped


1/2 small danhobak squash

6 medium shiitake mushrooms

2 small potatoes cubed

soup seasoning

3 tablespoons soy sauce (add more to taste)

1 tablespoon kosher salt

1/2 tablespoon toasted sesame oil

1/2 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper


4 1/2 cups flour

1/3 cup corn starch

1 tablespoon kosher salt

1 1/3 cup hot water

1 cup flour for dusting

to garnish

2 stalks green onion chopped

3 tablespoons freshly ground roasted perilla seeds

crushed roasted seaweed


broth prep: in a large boiling pot, boil water with dashima, anchovies, garlic and chopped onion on high for 30 minutes.

squash prep: cut danhobak (kabocha) squash into quarters and roast face down on a sheet pan at 350 degrees fahrenheit for an hour or until the flesh is soft.

noodles: recipe here


  1. once broth has been reduced down to around 10 cups (after 30 minutes of boiling), remove anchovies, dashima, onions, and garlic. pick out anchovies and dashima and set onions and garlic aside.

  2. bring heat down to medium and cook shiitake mushrooms, potatoes, soy sauce, salt, sesame oil, and fresh ground pepper for about half an hour. remove and slice mushrooms and potatoes, set aside.

  3. bring soup up to a rolling boil and boil noodles for around 6-7 minutes. remove noodles from pot and portion out into serving bowls.


  1. remove danhobak squash from oven, remove seeds, carefully cut flesh out, and slice into bite sizes.

  2. ladle broth over noodles and place even portions of vegetables (onions+garlic, potatoes, mushrooms, and squash) atop noodles.

  3. garnish with ground roasted perilla seeds, green onions, and roasted seaweed.


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