galbi tang {short rib soup}
i definitely feel like my korean ancestors’ blood in me is brimming with joy whenever i have a good hearty tang. they don’t call us tangban minjok (people of rice and soup) for no reason ;)
deulkae kal gooksoo {perilla seed knife cut noodle soup}
deulkkae adds a really interesting nutty, savory, and mildly minty dimension to a rich umami broth, and i’m pretty tempted to add ground deulkkae to all of my soups this winter now!

kkori gomtang {oxtail soup}
once you give this recipe a go, you’ll come to have a deeper appreciation for whoever in your life made gomtang for you. i for sure did

recycled rotisserie chicken noodle soup
here is a chicken noodle soup recipe that could maybe help heal a cold or a broken heart, but definitely not a sleep disorder that’s been near impossible to kick…although i wish to God that it would.

umma's yookgaejang {spicy beef vegetable soup}
no matter where i am, be it thousands of miles away from home, sitting in my office late at night or alone at a restaurant overseas, this soup without fail melts me into a sappy love puddle