banana & black sesame mochi scones


neglected old soggy overripe bananas are actually tubes of liquid gold that guilt trip you by asking to be reincarnated into something delicious. most of the time, that something delicious is a baked good, like banana bread. have they asked you to be transformed into anything else?

i leaned into those banana voices and together, we birthed into the world banana black sesame mochi scones. or scochis, or mocones, or as someone on instagram suggested, sconchis. 

whatever you want to call them, they're crunchy, flaky, and buttery as a traditional scone should always be. then you get to the center and enter a realm of mochified scone innards with oozing chunks of sweet ol' bananas complemented by the nuttiness of black sesame seeds (um...anyone else really appreciate the nut butter and banana combo?)

i beg of you, the next time you pay a visit to your local korean/chinese/japanese/vietnamese supermarket, grab a box of mochiko sweet rice flour. that way, you'll have it handy to whip out in that opportune moment when the banana gods start speaking to your soul.


mochi scones: banana & black sesame



1 1/2 cups all purpose flour

1/2 cup mochiko flour

3 tablespoons toasted black sesame seeds

2 teaspoons baking powder

4 tablespoons brown sugar

1 teaspoon salt


8 tablespoons unsalted butter, cold and cubed

1 cup ripened bananas: slice the banana hot dog ways twice and then into tinier bite sized pieces

2/3 cup cold almond milk

for flouring the surface

1/4 cup all purpose flour

to brush atop

1 large beaten egg

1 tablespoon cane sugar


  • preheat the oven to 400 F

  • line baking sheet with parchment paper

  • combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl, toss together with a fork

  • throw cold cubed butter into the dry mix and mush (using nature's best tool: your hands) until butter becomes small bits; no larger than a chickpea

  • fold in bananas, aim to have all of them evenly incorporated into dry-butter mix

  • pour in almond milk and gently mix with your hands until you're able to form into a loose but still somewhat cohesive ball

  • if your dough feels a bit wet, flour your workin surface, lay the ball atop, and sprinkle a little more flour on the top surface of the dough. form the dough into a disk around 1 inch high.

don't mean to be a butter cop here, but it's because i deeply care about your mochi scones. if at any point in steps 4-7, you feel that the butter is starting to not feel as cold, transfer the dough into a bowl and refrigerate for 10-15 minutes and get back to forming that disk! why? cold butter allows pastry to puff up and stay flaky in the baking process.

  • cut the disk up into 8 pieces, transfer onto baking sheet using a well floured spatula or flat dough scraper

  • brush the beaten egg atop each scone and generously sprinkle on that cane sugar

  • set in oven for 15-20 minutes or until the the tops become golden brown


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